
Highc music software
Highc music software

Laurson, M., Kuuskankare, M.: Towards Idiomatic and Flexible Score-based Gestural Control with a Scripting Language. Laurson, M., Norilo, V., Kuuskankare, M.: PWGLSynth: A Visual Synthesis Language for Virtual Instrument Design and Control. In: Journées d’Informatique Musicale, Paris, France (2005) Laurson, M., Kuuskankare, M.: Extensible Constraint Syntax Through Score Accessors. In: Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference, Miami, USA, pp. Kuuskankare, M., Laurson, M.: Intelligent Scripting in ENP using PWConstraints. Studia musica no.6, doctoral dissertation, Sibelius Academy, Helsinki (1996) Laurson, M.: PATCHWORK: A Visual Programming Language and some Musical Applications. A Guide to Notational Signs for Contemporary Music. (eds.) Foundations of Computer Music, pp. Computer Music Journal 7(3), 31–36 (1983)īuxton, W., Sniderman, R., Reeves, W., Patel, S., Baecker, R.: The evolution of the sssp score editing tools. Haus, G.: EMPS: A system for graphic transcription of electronic music scores. Lindemann, E., de Cecco, M.: Animal–a rapid prototyping environment for computer music systems. In: Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference, pp. Puckette, M.: Using Pd as a score language. In: International Computer Music Conference, Miami, USA (2004)

highc music software

Geslin, Y., Lefevre, A.: Sound and musical representation: the acousmographe software. In: International Computer Music Conference (2007) Appl. 24(1), 50–54 (2004)įarbood, M., Kaufman, H., Jennings, K.: Composing with hyperscore: An intuitive interface for visualizing musical structure. Computer Music Journal 10(4), 42–49 (Winter 1986)įarbood, M.M., Pasztor, E., Jennings, K.: Hyperscore: A graphical sketchpad for novice composers. Lohner, H.: The UPIC system: A user’s report. In: International Computer Music Conference, Barcelona, Spain, pp. Kuuskankare, M., Laurson, M.: ENP Expression Designer - a Visual Tool for Creating User Definable Expressions. Woo, M., Neider, J., Davis, T., Shreiner, D.: OpenGL Programming Guide, 3rd edn. In: Proceedings of International Computer Music Conference, Singapore, pp. Kuuskankare, M., Laurson, M.: ENP-Expressions, Score-BPF as a Case Study.

highc music software

Välimäki, V., Laurson, M., Erkut, C.: Commuted Waveguide Synthesis of the Clavichord. Penttinen, H., Pakarinen, J., Välimäki, V., Laurson, M., Li, H., Leman, M.: Model-Based Sound Synthesis of the Guqin. EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing (2004)

highc music software

Välimäki, V., Penttinen, H., Knif, J., Laurson, M., Erkut, C.: Sound Synthesis of the Harpsichord Using a Computationally Efficient Physical Model.

highc music software

Laurson, M., Erkut, C., Välimäki, V., Kuuskankare, M.: Methods for Modeling Realistic Playing in Acoustic Guitar Synthesis. Karkoschka, E.: Das Schriftbild der Neuen Musik. Ph.D thesis, Sibelius Academy, DocMus – Department of Doctoral Studies in Musical Performance and Research (2006)īrindle, R.S.: The New Music: The Avant-garde since 1945. Kuuskankare, M.: The Expressive Notation Package.

Highc music software